


wants children safe

from pedophiles &

human trafficking.


Register below 

if you agree.  

Who are we and

what do we want?

We are not vigilantes.

We are 

fathers & mothers. 

Sisters & brothers.

Friends & neighbors.

 We are liberal 

& conservative.

White collar & blue.

Poor & rich.

Privileged & challenged.

Religious & 

not religious.

Some are pro-life & some pro-choice.

And we are all

the same race. 


As members of the human race, we have many differences 

of opinion. 

We can set those differences 

aside for the 

sake of our children. 

Can you? 

The enemy wants to silence our cries for justice and will try to divide & discredit us like they have in the past. This is why we need to organize every voice to agree on this one simple statement. 

 Are you for us

or against us? 

We are not vigilantes.

We are fathers & mothers. Sisters & brothers. Friends & neighbors. We are conservative & liberal. White collar & blue. Poor & rich.

Privileged & challenged. Religious & not religious.

Some pro-life & some pro-choice.

But, we are all the same race. Human.

As members of the human race, we have many differences of opinion. We can set those differences aside for the sake of our children.  

Can you?  

The enemy wants to silence our cries for justice and will try to divide & discredit us like they have in the past. This is why we need to organize every voice to agree on this one simple statement.

Are you for us or against us?  




wants our children safe from

pedophiles & human trafficking.


If you agree

register for more info.

SaveOurChildren.io - All Rights Reserved 2022